One Way Data Flow vs Unidirectional Data Flow

Ali Alhaddad
3 min readMay 23, 2018

They are multiple programming patterns of structuring your react application when managing state. One-way-data-flow ←- redux, and unidirectional way ← parent to child.

Two basic patterns of managing state is passing state from parent components to child component, and manipulating state in parent component or child components(via this.props. method passed in from parent component). Can take more time for it to go through each child component, has to pass through multiple component to change state.

A gif illustrating how managing state using unidirectional data-flow

Problems with this pattern?

This can be very complicated for simple applications. Can be something very hard to follow when trying DRY(don’t repeat yourself) coding principles or separation of concerns. State can go through multiple components without ever being in use. Can be very hard to be track of.

Purpose of this being learned in the first place?

Learning how props can be passed down from parent components to child components is important to understand because when running into issues to redux. To understand what your are doing. How state is managed in unidirectional way is important when learning how to manipulate it.(typing into a text-field for example.)

Redux solves these problem.

Unlike managing state in a unidirectional way, you can handle the state all in one place if wanted(not recommended.). The way redux is works, is that it manages state in the store, and manipulate state via the reducer which is nothing but a simple function. That takes the state of app, and action. And manipulates it.

What is state and action?

It is nothing but a simple javascript object, and is recommended to be treated as immutable, which means the object when manipulated gets assign a new object. Action is also object which has to have a type, and optionally have a payload, or anything you would like to name it, which are dispatched via action creators which are simple functions that return a action type.

What are action types?

Action types are cases where state is manipulated in the reducer. They are dispatched via actions creators.

How are they connected to application?

import { Provider } from 'react-redux';

Import the Provider HOC (higher order component) which wraps the component in the index.js (not in public folder) based on the store props. Then you connect each component with connect method which takes 2 functions mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps.

import { connect } from 'react-redux';

What are mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps?

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(App);

It is a function that map state of store(mapStateToProps) and a object that maps action creators(mapDispatchToProps) to props of the component wrapped in the connect method. You don’t have to use both, but if you only use mapDispatchToProps have set the first parameter as null.

const mapStateToProps = state => {
return state;
const mapDispatchToProps = {
//Action creators

Why learn Redux?

You need it, and if you are planning to learn context API, you would need to also understand redux to an extent. Because it works similar. It is a more simple solution in the long run when building larger applications.

For more resources go to my todo-list example which is where i implement redux.

For more examples check the redux documentation.

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